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Thought For The Week
The good Lord loves you so much that He cannot let anything happen that is not for your good.” (St. Julie)           “Our aim is to witness God’s goodness and provident care throughout the world today.” (Sr. Aloysia)
In Laudato Si’ we are challenged to:-
• Replace Consumption with Sacrifice
• Greed with Generosity
• Wastefulness with a Spirit of Sharing
• An Asceticism which entails learning to give and not simply to give up, it is a way of loving, of moving gradually away from what I want to what God’s world needs. It is liberation from fear, greed and compulsion. (cf. LS#9)

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

are the Values that Protect /Safeguard, Promote and Sustain HUMAN LIFE with DIGNITY

The values expressed in the 30 articles of the Universal declaration of Human Rights are expressed in a vocabulary acceptable to all, irrespective of religious, cultural, national differences.

They are basic to JPIC. JPIC deals with Situations and problems regarding justice, freedom, development, relations between peoples, and nature

JPIC Concerns are Changing systems, structures, institutions and public policies that are the root causes of injustices.

The Integrity of Creation and a commitment to the future of our planet. In the light of the deterioration and destruction of life support systems – such as forests, oceans, fresh water and the atmosphere - caused by among other things climate change and the dominant economic model of development.

JPIC Calls for ‘Ecological Conversion’

for Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All Creation. Our Commitment to JPIC moves us towards Integral Ecology and Integral Human Development.

A passion for justice, a desire for peace and non-violence and an active concern for the integrity of all creation (JPIC) are essential to the living out of the Gospel and very specially, living our consecrated life and mission today. Religious life is radical discipleship. It means being credible and visible witnesses to Jesus and to his way of life in our present socio-cultural, economic, political and ecological context. Such a life requires of us a spirituality of solidarity, a spirituality of life-giving relationships. Jesus lived solidarity. Not only did Jesus live solidarity and justice, he called others to the same: to justice, to right relationships. He was about bringing everyone to fullness of life. Today the world is in crisis and some of the critical signs of the crisis are the fractures and division evident in extreme poverty, ecological degradation, violent conflicts and war, mega migration and displacement of millions of people. The Mission Statement of Jesus in Lk.4:18-19 challenges us to get involved in the struggles of our world and commit ourselves to the Reign of God. “The Holy Spirit calls consecrated men and women to present new answers to the new problems of today’s world.” (VC #7) Along with our work for justice and peace, we are called to focus more on integrity of creation due to the present precarious state of our planet. An ecological worldview, a Cosmo vision focuses on the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living and non-living systems on our planet. An incarnational ecological worldview opens one up to the sacred within everyone and everything. Commitment to JPIC is about a way of life which leads to JPIC becoming an integral dimension of all our ministries and activities.