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Thought For The Week
The good Lord loves you so much that He cannot let anything happen that is not for your good.” (St. Julie)           “Our aim is to witness God’s goodness and provident care throughout the world today.” (Sr. Aloysia)

“Notre Dame” is a French word meaning “Our Lady”. As the Assumption Province, we are placed under the patronage of Sisters of Our Lady of the Assumption.

“As Sisters of Notre Dame we are called to be apostolic women religious. We witness to God’s goodness and provident care through a consecrated life of chastity, poverty and obedience. Centered in Jesus Christ, united as a community in his love and in the spirit of Mary, we share a life of faith and joyful simplicity, ready to take up our cross daily in love. Consecrated for mission in the Church, we serve people, especially those who experience poverty in its various forms, through education and other ministries. We place special emphasis on catechesis so that we may help others to grow in faith and confidence in God our Father.” (Prologue, Constitution) s


“As Sisters of Notre Dame we share in the special gifts of the Holy Spirit given to our spiritual mother, Julie Billiart, to our foundress, Hilligonde Wolbring, and to our co-foundress, Elizabeth Kühling. Hilligonde’s charism, a deep experience of God’s provident care, moved her to a compassionate love for others, especially poor children. Through the formation, the living tradition, and the Constitutions which our first Coesfeld Sisters received from the Amersfoort Sisters, our congregation shares in the charism of Julie Billiart, a deep experience of God’s goodness: “O! How good is the dear good God!” The charism of our congregation, a deep experience of God’s goodness and provident care, continues to be enriched by the creative fidelity of each Sister of Notre Dame.”(Art.1, Constitutions)


““Our spirit of joyful simplicity and trust in God is the living expression of our charism. It grows out of a deep faith in our loving God to whom we abandon ourselves completely. In directing our life to God alone, seeking to find him in all things, we experience joy and inner freedom. Such a disposition enables us to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we experience the mystery of the cross, we trust in God’s love and goodness and respond with courage and serenity.Living in this spirit of simplicity, we gradually grow in the virtues that characterize us: charity, humility and obedience. When we remain receptive to God’s tender love enfolding us always, we like Mary bring Christ to Others.”(Art. 2, Constitutions)


“Our charism and spirit remain alive in the Church through our witness of life and apostolic service. In fidelity to our charism we participate in the mission of Jesus Christ, witnessing God’s goodness and provident care to others. The Church sends us through our congregation to assist our sisters and brothers to direct their lives to God in faith so that all may experience God’s goodness. As an apostolic community committed to our mission, we devote ourselves to education in all itsforms, especially to catechesis and to other ministries. Impelled by a missionary spirit, we respondto the needs of the times and share God’s compassionate love with people of all faiths and cultures, particularly those who are poor and marginalized.”(Art. 3 Constitutions)